
The class helped me with pronunciation of words and speaking more smoothly and to not be scared at speaking.

The class was effective – particularly watching videos, reading, tests and talking about them.

I like the positive atmosphere. We didn’t have to be shy and worried about mistakes. Also, I like stories our teacher told us.

It was very funny, friendly and open. I really enjoyed that we were not only speaking about ourselves, but our teacher spoke about himself also. I feel more confident in speaking English now.

I really liked our class. I never felt stress. I liked the games we played. I would recommend J. Centrum to other students.

Nejvíce se mi líbila příprava naší lektorky, opravdu zajímavá témata, o kterých jsme diskutovali, a také otevřenost a prostor k tomu, abychom mohli mluvit o čemkoliv. Kurz mi absolutně pomohl výrazně zlepšit mou angličtinu. Bez problémů mohu anglicky konverzovat, aniž bych se na to připravila. Kurz bych definitivně doporučila všem!


Na kurzu angličtiny jsem se cítil jako doma, atmosféra byla úžasná. Když teď mluvím anglicky, mluvím s jistotou. Jazykové centrum bych absolutně doporučil.


I liked the way vocabulary was taught, the tests and reading text (picking words from them) were very helpful to understand and know the context for the use of the words.
I did not want to speak in English before. And now I feel more comfortable when I speak English. I also can pronounce English words better. It was really a good decision I made to attend this course. And I enjoyed it a lot. I will take the course next semester too.


I met a lot of new people and there was a great atmosphere in our class.


This was the first time in my life when I actually liked attending some English classes. It wasn’t boring, and the best is that I wasn’t afraid of speaking.


The class was really fun, with a comfortable environment and with no pressure or stress.


I would recommend Jazykové centrum to all my friends, who especially want to learn new vocabulary and listen to native English speakers.

Michal Stavrovský

It helped me to be less hesitant to speak. I really liked the tell story based on a picture. It helped me learn new words. I definitely recommend the Jazykové centrum.


The classes helped me to not worry about speaking in English. I met new people and it was helpful discussing interesting topics in English.


I appreciate the personal approach of teachers and friendly atmosphere, I also like the idea having tests every week. I will definitely recommend the Jazykove Centrum.

Kateřina Čepelíková, studentka VŠE

I recommend the Jazykove Centrum. Our classes where very effective, we discussed interesting topics. The biggest advantages are nice and fair native speakers and low price for classes.

Jan Hřivna 

English class at Jazykove Centrum improved a lot my communication skills, enriched my vocabulary knowledge and helped me to become more fluent during speaking. I would recommend the Jazykove Centrum - it is great option for students from VSE, it's right behind the corner, very effective and what's more it's cheap as chips.

Jiří Cichý

Náš lektor Terry Brown dovedl vytvořil velmi přátelské prostředí kurzu. Moje konverzační úroveň angličtiny se hodně zlepšila.

Iveta Plucarová, studentka VŠE

Na kurzu s lektorem Terry Brownem byla dobrá atmosféra, intenzivní výuka angličtiny a vysoká úroveň znalosti angličtiny ostatních studentů. Mohl jsem poznat nové přátele a měl jsem příležitost hodně mluvit anglicky. Jazykové centrum a jeho kurzy určitě doporučuji.

Dalibor Herbrich, student VŠE

Jazykové centrum is an ideal place for practicing your conversational skills with friendly people. You will learn to react quickly and broaden your vocabulary, for sure. As a cherry on top are the student prices which make these courses affordable to everyone. If you want to improve your English or just meet new people, this is a place for you - it worked for me too.

Filip Nepimach, student VŠE

I had very good experiences with the Jazykové Centrum. I attended for two terms. I wanted to improve my speaking skills, discuss interesting topics and meet new people. The Jazykové Centrum fulfilled my expectations. Each lesson was different. We usually discussed the main topic and learned new vocabulary words connected with the topic. If you want to meet new people from different faculties of VŠE and other schools, the Jazykové Centrum is the right option for you.

Jana Marková, studentka VŠE